veckans monday award får gå till miilo, vars blogg är en av mina träffsäkra favoriter (hon är nämligen en ruskigt duktig fotograf som exempelvis knäpper de mest förträffliga självporträtten i hela vida världen). och för ett litet tag sen gjorde hon en lista på 95 saker hon tycker om, klicka och läs, vettja! en inspirerande lista med mycket feel-good-känsla.
jag kom sen plötsligt ihåg en annan feel good-sajt i samma anda som jag glömt bort i en liten evighet, nämligen 1000 awesome things, där hundratals vardagliga most awesome things är upplistade. fantastiskt! så även om det tvärsäkert finns massa saker jag gillar, så är jag inte lika påhittig som miilo, och lånar istället dom bästa bitarna från 1000 awesome things:
jag kom sen plötsligt ihåg en annan feel good-sajt i samma anda som jag glömt bort i en liten evighet, nämligen 1000 awesome things, där hundratals vardagliga most awesome things är upplistade. fantastiskt! så även om det tvärsäkert finns massa saker jag gillar, så är jag inte lika påhittig som miilo, och lånar istället dom bästa bitarna från 1000 awesome things:
#320 - when your friend calls to tell you they got home safe
#324 - laughing at a stranger with another stranger
#329 - twisting the lid off the jar after nobody else could
#342 - finding good reading material in someone elses bathroom
#353 - seeing christmas trees trough the window
#380 - hearing someone's heartbeat

#397 - eating the first freshly baked cookie from
the oven even thougn it's way too hot
#398 - going to a movie all by yourself
#409 - kids who dress themselves
#428 - seeing you reflection in a store front window and liking what you see
#455 - digging a hole in your mashed potatoes and filling it up with gravy
#481 - licking all the flavor off your fingers
#485 - when someone saves you a seat
#505 - the last couple of hours before the weekend starts
#506 - when the person you're meeting is even later than you
#511 - the moment on vacation when you forget what day of the week it is
#570 - when a little baby gives you a hug before it leaves
#591 - sitting on your freshly made bed
and admiring your work after spending hours cleaning your room
#612 - finally farting after the guests leave
#666 - giving people what they really want
#692 - eating the crush of the sandwich first to save the middle part for last
#698 - listening to your favorite song over and over again
#717 - sleeping with one leg under the covers and one leg out
#733 - laughing so hard you make no sound at all
#828 - remembering what movie that guy is from
#871 - finding out your birthday is on a friday or saturday next year
#887 - talking about how much the meal
you're eating at home would cost at a restaurant
#896 - that feeling you get right after you just vomited
#930 - finally getting a piece of popcorn
that's been stuck in your teeth all day out
#938 - the smell of rain on a hot sidewalk
#984 - eating the last piece of dessert somebody left at your house
#324 - laughing at a stranger with another stranger
#329 - twisting the lid off the jar after nobody else could
#342 - finding good reading material in someone elses bathroom
#353 - seeing christmas trees trough the window
#380 - hearing someone's heartbeat

#397 - eating the first freshly baked cookie from
the oven even thougn it's way too hot
#398 - going to a movie all by yourself
#409 - kids who dress themselves
#428 - seeing you reflection in a store front window and liking what you see
#455 - digging a hole in your mashed potatoes and filling it up with gravy
#481 - licking all the flavor off your fingers
#485 - when someone saves you a seat
#505 - the last couple of hours before the weekend starts
#506 - when the person you're meeting is even later than you
#511 - the moment on vacation when you forget what day of the week it is
#570 - when a little baby gives you a hug before it leaves
#591 - sitting on your freshly made bed
and admiring your work after spending hours cleaning your room
#612 - finally farting after the guests leave
#666 - giving people what they really want
#692 - eating the crush of the sandwich first to save the middle part for last
#698 - listening to your favorite song over and over again
#717 - sleeping with one leg under the covers and one leg out
#733 - laughing so hard you make no sound at all
#828 - remembering what movie that guy is from
#871 - finding out your birthday is on a friday or saturday next year
#887 - talking about how much the meal
you're eating at home would cost at a restaurant
#896 - that feeling you get right after you just vomited
#930 - finally getting a piece of popcorn
that's been stuck in your teeth all day out
#938 - the smell of rain on a hot sidewalk
#984 - eating the last piece of dessert somebody left at your house
nämen lotta, så snällt och fint du skriver, jag blir ju riktigt till mig tacktacktack! (och du vet ju att jag egentligen, har inget mindre än absolut samma saker att säga tillbaka då jag verkligen gillar dina bilder igen!).
ReplyDeleteOch en himla bra lista var det där ju trots att den inte var helt din egna, 612:an är indeed so true.